Arlington Snowfall Records and Emergency Snow Removal

The first snowstorm of the year has come and gone. While it may not be the last snow we see in 2016, it almost certainly will be the largest amount at one time. Like many other industries, commercial real estate development is affected by the weather. Excessive snowfall can bring projects to a halt – both during the storm and after. Piles of snow can block traffic and prevent materials from getting… Read More
92nd Annual Arlington Business Gala

The 92nd Annual Arlington Business Gala is fast approaching and as one of the sponsors, we (along with the Arlington Chamber of Commerce – Virginia) would like to remind everyone there’s still time to donate items. With over 300 guests already registered, it’s sure to be a great event. The registration deadline is 12:00 pm on Friday, January 22 and more information may be found on the Arlington Chamber of Commerce events page here…. Read More
First Chamber Breakfast 1/7/16

At The Shooshan Company, we love having the opportunity to network and meet other people in the Arlington area. The Arlington Chamber of Commerce provides many networking opportunities to fit different schedules, with breakfasts, happy hours, roundtable discussions and more. This Thursday marks the first “Breakfast Connection” of the new year for the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. On January 7, 2016, from 7:30 am – 9:00 am at the Holiday Inn Rosslyn,… Read More