A-SPAN Purse Drive
Published April 11, 2019

Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (A-SPAN) is running a purse drive. As The Arlington Connection reports, “Hop down to A-SPAN with an Easter purse or handbag which will be handed out on Easter Day to homeless female clients, both on the street or in the shelter. A-SPAN is collecting new or gently used purses at the Homeless Services Shelter at 2020A 14th Street N at the front desk located on the second floor.
Their goal is to collect 50 purses or handbags and essential hygiene items by April 19. The purses will be stuffed with frequently requested items including feminine products, shampoo, razors and nutritious snacks. They would appreciate having donations of hygiene products as well as the purses.”

Connect with A-SPAN on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/aspan.org or visit https://www.a-span.org/ for more information.
Support A-SPAN Purse Drive in Arlington. (2019). The Arlington Connection. Source: