Arlington POPS Give the Community a Voice
Published February 3, 2016

The Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families is an extension of Arlington County whose mission is “To improve the health, wellbeing, and safety of children, youth, and families in Arlington through researching young people’s needs, advocating for improved policies and programs to meet those needs, and engaging all members of our community as part of the solution.”
One of the subjects covered by the APCYF is the improvement of parks and recreation through POPS, or A Plan for Our Places and Spaces. These public meetings allow members of the community to provide insight, ask questions and be involved. Each public meeting features “interactive stations and brief presentations by the project consultants.”
At the Shooshan Company, we are always looking for opportunities to improve the community, so naturally this organization stood out! See their flyer below for this weekend’s Arlington POPS locations and times, and also be sure to “like” them on Facebook to stay in touch with the latest updates.
POPS: A Plan for Our Places and Spaces. (2016). Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation.