Ballston Featured In New “Car Free Diet” Arlington Video
Published March 13, 2020

From their website: “Arlington’s Car-Free Diet is the easy, fun way to live a car-free or car-lite lifestyle. Each time you leave your car at home – choosing instead to ride transit, bike, walk, car/vanpool or telework – you can save money, improve your health and clean our environment.”
Arlington’s Car-Free Diet is a program of Arlington County Commuter Services (ACCS), a bureau of the Department of Environmental Services of Arlington County, Virginia. Other ACCS programs and services include®,®, The Commuter Store®, WalkArlington, BikeArlington, Mobility Lab and Arlington Transportation Partners. ACCS is funded in part by grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).
Source: Arlington County Commuter Services.