Ballston Quarter Opening Fall 2018
Published March 8, 2018

Ballston Quarter, the new “urban village” where Ballston Common Mall once stood, is continuing to grow and add new stores and restaurants. The website states:
“WELCOME TO THE NEW AMERICAN DREAM. One with untraffic, unaggravation, unsuburbs, unboredom and a totally uncommon way of life. Ballston Quarter is a true urban village filled with people who want to live where they also work and play—people who want to live life to the fullest. Everything you need is just footsteps away. Located on the Metro four miles from DC, Ballston Quarter is a place where all of Arlington will come together to experience a life that’s as purposeful, thoughtful and true as you are. This is the new American Dream. And it’s happening right here in Ballston.”
The “Quarter Market at Ballston Quarter,” which is the restaurant portion of the site, will have 18 restaurants including:
- Bartaco
- Buredo
- Cucina Al Volo
- Ice Cream Jubilee
- Mi & Yu Noodle Bar
- Pinch Dumplings
- Rice Crook
- Swizzler
- Timber Pizza Co.
Ballston Quarter is still adding to the list and has the opening set for Fall 2018. The building is located across from Two Liberty Center, where The Shooshan Company offices are located, as well as next to 4040 Wilson Blvd. and The View Luxury Apartments, making the area one of the best that Ballston has to offer!
To find out what else is open during the renovation, you may visit their website at
To find available apartments for The View or 4040 Wilson Blvd., you can visit the sites listed below.
- Ballston Quarter. (2018). Ballston Quarter. Source:
- Two Liberty Center. (2018). Two Liberty Center. Source:
- 4040 Wilson Blvd. (2018). 4040 Wilson Blvd. Source:
- The View Apartments. (2018). The View Apartments. Source:
- The Shooshan Company. (2018). Shooshan Company. Source: