The Shooshan Company Services: Design
Published October 1, 2021

The Shooshan Company is a privately owned investor and full service developer leading innovative real estate projects built on integrity and community commitment. We pride ourselves in being the local real estate developer of choice in Arlington, Virginia.
As the year is coming to a close, we thought it would be a good time to highlight some of the different services we provide, one of which is design.
Early in the conceptual planning stage of the project lifecycle, we implement innovative design and intelligent, sustainable growth principles. We select central, urban sites and then execute upon land use models that are compact, transit-oriented, and incorporate integral components of mixed-use development. We use comprehensive planning guidelines as we design sites that revitalize or enhance the urban landscape of our communities.
- Project Assessment and site selection
- Project assessment for market position
- Land assemblage and acquisition
- Design Team Selection
- Design Coordination
Do you have questions related to designing your next project? Please give us a call at 703-527-8600. Also, be sure to view our portfolio at .