One Year Later: AvalonBay Communities Inc. Joins 4040 Wilson Blvd.

Exactly one year ago, the Washington Business Journal reported that “Publicly traded multifamily developer AvalonBay Communities Inc. has signed on to anchor 4040 Wilson Blvd., the last piece of the The Shooshan Cos.’ Liberty Center mixed-use project in Ballston that’s been 20 years in the making.”
Arlington Chamber October 2018 Business After Business

The Arlington Chamber of Commerce provides many networking opportunities for those who work in all neighborhoods of the county. The next event takes place in the evening and is part of the “Business After Business” program. On Thursday, October 25, from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, working professionals have the opportunity to meet at Washington Workplace (2300 South 9th Street, Suite 505, Arlington, VA 22204) to exchange business cards and enjoy food and drinks while getting… Read More
LEED Gold Certification: Two Liberty Center

Late last year, Arlington County was honored to earn the title of “Platinum Level Community.” This was the first community to earn the title with the U.S. Green Building Council’s new LEED for Communities program. The Arlington County press release stated, “‘Arlington County understands the value of LEED and its ability to help set goals and deploy strategies that can improve the quality of life for residents across the community,’ said Mahesh Ramanujam,… Read More
Kodiak Realty Services: Property Management

Located in Two Liberty Center next to The Shooshan Company’s offices, Kodiak Realty Services provides a level of property management which is unique to the real estate market. Kodiak Realty Services coordinates any and all building ownership responsibilities for a Landlord, ultimately maximizing value and optimizing efficiency. KRS has a unique level of attention and care due to a focused portfolio and owner-operated model, providing clients with customized asset and property management… Read More
Arlington Connection: “Arlington Cares Celebrates Community Volunteers”

A recent article from the Arlington Connection newspaper highlighted Volunteer Arlington and their second annual Arlington Cares event held at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association in Arlington. Volunteer Arlington, a program of Leadership Center for Excellence, connects individuals, groups and businesses to local nonprofit and county volunteer opportunities. The article states, “Local nonprofit and county organizations hosted booths as part of a volunteer fair for attendees to learn about volunteer opportunities… Read More
Arlington Parks Ranked Among Nation’s Best

Arlington has one of the best park systems in the country according to The Trust for Public Land, a nonprofit group whose website states their mission is “to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.” Washington, D.C. is also in the top five. The nonprofit’s methodology for ranking parks consists of 4 factors according to their website: Acreage: Median park size and park acres as %… Read More
Arlington Bike To Work Day 2018

Friday, May 18, is officially Bike to Work Day in the Metro DC area. BikeArlington (a division of Arlington County Commuter Services) and many other organizations join together to encourage commuters across Arlington, Alexandria, Washington, D.C. and Maryland to use a different kind of transportation. BikeArlington’s website states: “BikeArlington invites you to join thousands of area commuters for a celebration of bicycling as a fun, healthy, and sustainable way to get to work! Meet up… Read More
The Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor:

Here’s a look at some of the impressive Ballston numbers: 45% of the population is between the ages of 25-35 years old 60/40 split between automobile/mass transit 7.5 Million Square Feet of office space 1.1 Million Square Feet of retail space 80%+ of residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher 44.3% of residents have graduate or professional degrees $123,828: Ballston’s average household income 58+ restaurants 86.2% of Ballston’s jobs are “white collar”… Read More
Taste of Arlington 2018

The 31st annual Taste of Arlington event from the Ballston BID will take place on May 20, 2018. Over 60 restaurants and local food trucks will participate in the event which, in the past, has drawn an average of 25,000 people. states this is “The Largest Festival Showcasing Arlington’s Food Scene and Benefiting Local Arlington Charities.” The outdoor Arlington festival will be located on Wilson Boulevard between N. Randolph Street & N…. Read More