Arlington Thrive Event: BBQ, Boots & Bingo

At The Shooshan Company, we like to help promote the Arlington area as well as upcoming events. In less than two weeks on Saturday, September 24, Arlington Thrive will host their BBQ, Boots & Bingo family picnic event at Columbus Club of Arlington. If you are not familiar with Arlington Thrive, they are a local non-profit that delivers same-day emergency funds to Arlington neighbors in crisis. The goal is for Arlingtonians “to be secure… Read More
10 Fun Outings In and Around Arlington
10 Fun Outings In and Around Arlington via Arlington Magazine
Things To Do In Arlington, Virginia

If you’re new to Arlington, VA, or just visiting, it’s sometimes hard to figure out what the best things to do in the area are. Luckily, there are plenty of resources out there which lay it out for you. With more people out due to the weather changing, we thought it would be nice to take a look at one of the most popular travel sites: TripAdvisor. If you have never used this site,… Read More