Take The 2022 Ballston Survey
Published June 26, 2022

Head over to the Ballston BID website to take the 5 minute survey, support the neighborhood and enter to win a gift card…
As stated on the Ballston BID website: “In Ballston, Life is Full – and we’re committed to unique events and initiatives to engage the businesses and people of Ballston. With our growing businesses and expanding neighborhood in mind, we want to hear from you on how Ballston can best position its community.
We’ve developed our 2022 survey to give you a voice – from employees and business owners, to residents and visitors – with the goal of understanding how we can best serve, represent, and increase engagement with our businesses and neighborhood.”
For the survey, Ballston BID is giving away 50 gift cards to a variety of Ballston businesses through August 12th. Completing the survey means you are automatically entered into each daily drawing.
You can take the survey at www.ballstonva.org/2022survey/.