Taylor Gourmet’s SP Double Stack Burger is Back in 2018
Published January 18, 2018

Taylor Gourmet, located across from Two Liberty Center at The View Luxury Apartments, has re-released their one-time burger as part of their “Winter Menu.” The SP Double Stack, as it’s called, combines two beef patties, American cheese, grilled onions, lettuce and “special sauce” in a sesame seed bun. When the burger initially debuted over the summer, it received many positive reviews, and this time is no different. Many who missed the one-week only burger before have been visiting the Taylor Gourmet locations in Washington, D.C., Arlington and Maryland to give it a try.
For those wondering what it tastes like, The Washington Post was able to get some inside information from the owner and states that it actually tastes like a Philly cheesesteak disguised as a burger: “…’It’s a little homage to the cheesesteak,’ said Taylor Gourmet founder Casey Patten, a native of the City of Brotherly Love. After talking with Patten, I started thinking about our conversation. I sensed in Patten’s tone that, despite my first impressions of the Double Stack, he and chef Jacob Hunter did not exactly set out to create a cheesesteak-style burger. So I put the question to Patten via text: Was this homage intentional or a happy accident? ‘Happy accident,’ he wrote back. ‘We just wanted to create the tastiest burger we could. Maybe those flavors crept in subconsciously, but it wasn’t the intention.’ The accidental nature of the burger, to me, makes the Double Stack even more remarkable. It’s as if the cheesesteak flavors are so embedded in Patten’s DNA that he can’t help it.” Read the full article online here.
Be sure to visit one of the locations (including the Ballston shop located across from Two Liberty Center at The View Luxury Apartments) to give the burger a try. Visit www.taylorgourmet.com for more information.
Taylor Gourmet’s latest sandwich tastes like a Philly cheesesteak disguised as a burger. (2018). The Washington Post. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/going-out-guide/wp/2018/01/12/taylor-gourmets-latest-sandwich-tastes-like-a-cross-between-a-philly-cheesesteak-and-a-classic-burger/?utm_term=.8095622fcda5