How Trolleys Helped Ballston’s Development

In following our other blog posts on how salvaged pieces from The Blue Goose were used to create markers placed along the side of the Marymount’s new building, we are again covering some interesting history of Ballston. Did you know that the competition from trolleys helped further develop Ballston? Another sign posted along the path beside Marymount University is one titled “Trolleys Come to Ballston.” This sign reads: “Trolleys Come to Ballston… Read More
&Pizza Comes to the Ballston Neighborhood

Ballston is getting a new restaurant: & Pizza, the popular build-your-own-pizza restaurant, will be moving into 3924 Wilson Blvd located across from Gold’s Gym right next to The View Luxury Apartments and Two Liberty Center. In a statement to ARLnow, Michael Lastoria, co-founder and CEO of &pizza, said “We pride ourselves in creating neighborhood shops built for the neighborhood and supporting local, like-minded brands doing big things – whether that’s in downtown D.C. or Arlington. We… Read More
Starbucks Setting Up At Marymount University’s Newside

As reported by ARLnow, the new Marymount campus, Newside, recently put up signs for Starbucks which will open soon. Marymount University’s Ballston campus, formerly known as “The Blue Goose,” is set to officially open this month. The new buildings have much to offer and add to Ballston’s already impressive skyline. As ARLnow notes, “Marymount is using six floors of the nine-story office building on the site, with the other three floors available… Read More
Kapnos Taverna Bootcamp and Bottomless Brunch Event

Mike Isabella’s Kapnos Taverna, located at The View Luxury Apartments across from The Shooshan Company’s offices at Two Liberty Center in Ballston, is partnering with Gold’s Gym Ballston to offer “Bootcamp and Bottomless Brunch!” The event takes place Sunday, August 27 from 10am – 2pm. The Facebook event page reads “Bootcamp will be on Kapnos Taverna’s patio and brunch will be provided by Kapnos Taverna.” ”Mike Isabella’s Kapnos Taverna [1 of 3 Mike Isabella concepts at The… Read More
Best of Arlington 2018

It’s that time again! Arlington Magazine is currently accepting votes for “Best of Arlington 2018,” a survey that offers readers the opportunity to “vote for the best that Arlington, McLean and Falls Church have to offer.” Arlington Magazine’s website states: “Take the Best of Arlington readers’ survey and make your vote count. Pick your favorites in dozens of categories—from Best Restaurant in Arlington and Best Pizza to Best Real Estate Agent and… Read More