An Interview with Tina Leone, The Ballston Business Improvement District (BID) CEO, a “one-stop news source” that delivers a daily newsletter built around specific interests and business needs, recently posted an interview with Tina Leone, The Ballston Business Improvement District (BID) CEO. Crain’s has an ongoing series titled “If I Knew Then” which interviews “executives, entrepreneurs and business leaders about mistakes that have shaped their business philosophy.” In the article, Tina Leone talks about being a young and inexperienced CEO and how that had an affect on… Read More
Ballston BID Launches Podcast

The Ballston BID recently announced they will now have monthly podcasts hosted by Ballston BID CEO, Tina Leone. According to the website, “The BallstonConnect Podcast focuses on the hyper-local. Each episode features exclusive interviews with Arlington’s brightest personalities. New episodes will be released monthly, each one with an emphasis on a different facet of life in Ballston.” DC INNO writes, “Debuting Feb. 1, the show is a spin-off of Ballston BID’s app, Ballston… Read More
Open House at The View Luxury Apartments

Join The View at Liberty Center for an Open House with a Bagel & Bubbly Bar on Saturday, February 17 from 10am – 5pm. Be sure to ask about their exclusive deal if you lease the day of the event. The View Luxury Apartments are located at 4000 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22203 Designed by RTKL Architect’s office out of Miami, FL, The Shooshan Company really wanted to create a high-end, contemporary apartment… Read More
Recap: The 94th Annual Arlington Business Gala

This past weekend, on January 27, 2018, the Arlington Chamber of Commerce held the 94th Annual Arlington Business Gala at the Ritz-Carlton in Pentagon City. The event included music, dancing, a three-course dinner, a silent auction and plenty of networking with friends and fellow business leaders. The 94th Annual Arlington Business Gala was a celebration of businesses in Arlington, and serves as the Chamber’s largest fundraiser, helping them to continue their mission of strengthening… Read More