Self-Guided Walking Tour of Arlington Cherry Blossoms

Due to the current situation, the Cherry Blossom Festival has been canceled. While staying at home is encouraged, it is also encouraged to go for walks as a family. For this, Walk Arlington has created a self-guided walking tour of Arlington cherry blossoms in the neighborhoods of Ballston and Cherrydale.
2019 Arlington Transportation Partners Champions

The Arlington Transportation Partners recently released their list of “Commercial Champions” for 2019 which, as the website states, “provides community recognition and rewards to businesses, multi-family residential communities, commercial properties and schools in Arlington County.”
Ballston Featured In New “Car Free Diet” Arlington Video

From their website: “Arlington’s Car-Free Diet is the easy, fun way to live a car-free or car-lite lifestyle. Each time you leave your car at home – choosing instead to ride transit, bike, walk, car/vanpool or telework – you can save money, improve your health and clean our environment.”
VIDA Fitness Voted Best Gym

The new ad campaign for VIDA Fitness opening at 4040 Wilson Blvd. emphasizes how they were voted #1 by Washington City Paper and Washingtonian!