Things To Do In Arlington, Virginia

If you’re new to Arlington, VA, or just visiting, it’s sometimes hard to figure out what the best things to do in the area are. Luckily, there are plenty of resources out there which lay it out for you. With more people out due to the weather changing, we thought it would be nice to take a look at one of the most popular travel sites: TripAdvisor. If you have never used this site,… Read More
260 Feet Above Arlington?

In the video above, Clark Construction (our contractor), members of the Shooshan team and our construction lender, Suntrust, take a tower crane climb for our Marymount Residential Project, a 267 unit apartment building that is opening up in 2017. At roughly 260 feet above street level and taking about 30 minutes to reach the top, it’s no wonder this view of Arlington is so great! The Shooshan Company would like to thank Kaley Rhodes, an office… Read More
Arlington County Hiking Trails

With the weather finally becoming more enjoyable, it’s time to start looking at ideas for outdoor activities. Arlington County maintains “36 miles of multi-use trails and 50 miles of connecting bicycle routes” (1). The Arlington County Bicycle Comfort Level Map is a great resource for planning your next ride (2). At The Shooshan Company, we like to explore new options the area has to offer. So whether you are planning a day out… Read More
Arlington Thrive’s Bingo Happy Hour

Arlington Thrive is a non-profit organization “that provides same-day, emergency financial assistance to County residents who experience sudden financial crisis such as temporary unemployment or illness. Most clients are the working poor, elderly and disabled people on a fixed income, and the homeless and formerly homeless who need Arlington Thrive’s funds as a ‘safety net’ until they are able to get back on firmer financial footing.”(1) Raising awareness and funds is key… Read More
Arlington POPS Give the Community a Voice

The Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families is an extension of Arlington County whose mission is “To improve the health, wellbeing, and safety of children, youth, and families in Arlington through researching young people’s needs, advocating for improved policies and programs to meet those needs, and engaging all members of our community as part of the solution.” One of the subjects covered by the APCYF is the improvement of parks and recreation through POPS,… Read More
Arlington Snowfall Records and Emergency Snow Removal

The first snowstorm of the year has come and gone. While it may not be the last snow we see in 2016, it almost certainly will be the largest amount at one time. Like many other industries, commercial real estate development is affected by the weather. Excessive snowfall can bring projects to a halt – both during the storm and after. Piles of snow can block traffic and prevent materials from getting… Read More
92nd Annual Arlington Business Gala

The 92nd Annual Arlington Business Gala is fast approaching and as one of the sponsors, we (along with the Arlington Chamber of Commerce – Virginia) would like to remind everyone there’s still time to donate items. With over 300 guests already registered, it’s sure to be a great event. The registration deadline is 12:00 pm on Friday, January 22 and more information may be found on the Arlington Chamber of Commerce events page here…. Read More
First Chamber Breakfast 1/7/16

At The Shooshan Company, we love having the opportunity to network and meet other people in the Arlington area. The Arlington Chamber of Commerce provides many networking opportunities to fit different schedules, with breakfasts, happy hours, roundtable discussions and more. This Thursday marks the first “Breakfast Connection” of the new year for the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. On January 7, 2016, from 7:30 am – 9:00 am at the Holiday Inn Rosslyn,… Read More
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

We would like to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our friends, family and clients this season.
YONA Opens in Ballston To Great Reception

Monday, November 30, 2015, saw the grand opening of the much-anticipated new restaurant YONA, a concept from Washington, D.C. based celebrity chef Mike Isabella and experienced Chef Jonah Kim. Located in The View at 4000 Wilson Boulevard in Arlington, Virginia, the official website of YONA describes it as, “a full-service Japanese noodle bar and small plates restaurant in the Ballston neighborhood” (1). As if the restaurant description isn’t enough, Chef Jonah Kim… Read More