Arlington Bike To Work Day

Next Friday, May 19, is officially Bike to Work Day in the Metro DC area. Commuter Connections, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, BikeArlington (a division of Arlington County Commuter Services) and many other organizations join together to encourage commuters across Arlington, Alexandria, Washington, D.C. and Maryland to use a different kind of transportation. BikeArlington’s website states: “On Friday, May 19, 2017, BikeArlington invites you to join thousands of area commuters for a celebration of bicycling… Read More
Two Liberty Center Receives Platinum Award

Two Liberty Center, located at 4075 Wilson Boulevard, has recently received the Platinum award from Arlington County Commuter Services for its alternative transportation program. Two Liberty is the only Platinum recipient to date in Arlington County and achieved this level by “featuring programs like carpool discounted parking, bike storage, onsite fitness centers, a free SmarTrip card for new tenants and tenant transportation events and promotions.” Electric vehicle charging stations are also being installed. Having transportation alternative… Read More
Arlington Walking Maps
Arlington has a variety of choices for getting around – you can walk, drive, carpool, bike or ride the metro rail. For every aspect of travel that Arlington offers, there are accompanying maps that show the best routes – and walking is no different. Arlington County Commuter Service has created an initiative they refer to as WalkArlington.1 This program highlights different areas to walk, the best routes, Arlington history and attractions along those… Read More