Arlington Parks Rank Among The Nation’s Best
Arlington has been recognized as having “one of the best park systems in the country” according to The Trust for Public Land, a nonprofit group whose website states their mission is “to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.” Washington, D.C. is also in the top five.
Arlington Transportation Partners Champions
Arlington Transportation Partners recently released their list of “Champions,” which, as the website states, “provides community recognition and rewards to businesses, multi-family residential communities, commercial properties and schools in Arlington County.” Arlington Transportation Partners provides transportation expertise to businesses, residential communities and commercial properties “to help improve transportation amenities and commuter benefits. These services and programs have significant impacts on commuting patterns, traffic congestion, personal health and air quality in Arlington County.” The… Read More
2015 40 Under 40 Leadership Arlington Nominations
The 40 Under 40 Leadership Arlington nomination recognizes 40 emerging leaders under the age of 40 who demonstrate impact personally and/or professionally through their exceptional leadership in the DC metropolitan region.