Ballston Connect Podcast: StayArlington

In this episode of the Ballston Connect Podcast, podcast, we hear from Emily Cassell, the Director of the Arlington Convention and Visitor Service (also known as StayArlington).
Ballston Connect Podcast: Kate Bates & the Arlington Chamber of Commerce

As stated on their website,, “The Ballston Business Improvement (BID) will imagine and implement innovative programs, partnerships and collaborations that bring people together, create a sense of community and strengthen the economic vitality of our businesses and commercial partners in Ballston.”
Kelly Shooshan on the Ballston Connect Podcast

Kelly Shooshan, CEO of the Shooshan Company, joins Tina Leone in the studio to discuss her vision for Ballston’s future, her role in some of the area’s most impressive redevelopments and the dynamics of running the family business. Listen here: Source: BallstonConnect Podcast. (2018). Ballston BID. Source: