Best of Arlington 2018

It’s that time again! Arlington Magazine is currently accepting votes for “Best of Arlington 2018,” a survey that offers readers the opportunity to “vote for the best that Arlington, McLean and Falls Church have to offer.” Arlington Magazine’s website states: “Take the Best of Arlington readers’ survey and make your vote count. Pick your favorites in dozens of categories—from Best Restaurant in Arlington and Best Pizza to Best Real Estate Agent and… Read More
Yona Japanese Restaurant Continues To Impress

It’s been one and a half years since Yona first opened their doors at The View Luxury Apartments. Monday, November 30, 2015, saw the grand opening of the much-anticipated concept from Washington, D.C. based celebrity chef Mike Isabella and experienced Chef Jonah Kim. Located at 4000 Wilson Boulevard, the official website of YONA describes it as, “A full-service Japanese restaurant from Mike Isabella Concepts serving lunch and dinner daily. The menu features… Read More
Arlington Bike To Work Day

Next Friday, May 19, is officially Bike to Work Day in the Metro DC area. Commuter Connections, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, BikeArlington (a division of Arlington County Commuter Services) and many other organizations join together to encourage commuters across Arlington, Alexandria, Washington, D.C. and Maryland to use a different kind of transportation. BikeArlington’s website states: “On Friday, May 19, 2017, BikeArlington invites you to join thousands of area commuters for a celebration of bicycling… Read More
National Walking Day 2017

National Walking Day takes place April 5, 2017. Among the many organizations promoting the event are Arlington Transportation Partners, WalkArlington and Arlington County’s Public Health Division. WalkArlington, a division of Arlington County Commuter Services (ACCS), is asking everyone to join in their “1 Billion Steps Challenge:” Pit stops for the walk include: Ballston | The Nature Conservancy Building: 4245 N Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203 Columbia Pike | Department of Human Services, Sequoia Plaza: 2100… Read More
Two Liberty Center Receives LEED Gold Certification.

Two Liberty Center, located at 4075 Wilson Blvd. in Arlington, was recently honored to receive LEED Gold Certification. As we’ve stated in previous articles, LEED stems from the U.S. Green Building Council and as their website states: “LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is changing the way we think about how buildings and communities are planned, constructed, maintained and operated. Leaders around the world have made LEED the most widely used third-party… Read More
Influential Real Estate Heads Expect Unconventional President To Bring Conventional Growth
John Shooshan and other real estate leaders were recently featured in an article on Forbes Magazine’s website following a Bisnow event.
40 Under 40 Rising Stars in Real Estate

DCA Live Media has announced their list of “40 Under 40 Rising Stars in Real Estate.” The official site states: “Get back to business in 2017! Join DCA Live and our host committee to celebrate the rising stars in DC commercial real estate. We’ll honor this great group with a lively and fun event on January 31.” The Shooshan Company is proud to note that among the many accomplished names is our own… Read More
News from the Bisnow Event: State of Arlington and Alexandria

Recently (December 7), Bisnow DC hosted their event, The State of Arlington County and Alexandria, in Crystal City. Over breakfast, several panelists spoke on everything from buildings to the Metro rail to the Gondola proposal and more. In addition to our very own John Shooshan, other speakers included: Mark Damato – Head of Global Real Estate, CEB Andy VanHorn – Principal, The JBG Companies Mary-Claire Burick (Moderator)– President, Rosslyn BID On Arlington… Read More