Rustico Restaurant & Bar – Ballston

Ballston definitely has no shortage of great restaurants and bars. In fact, on Wilson Boulevard alone, between N. Quincy Street and N. Randolph street, you can enjoy Taylor Gourmet, Buzz Bakeshop, Sweetgreen, Bruegger’s Bagels, Mike Isabella’s Kapnos Taverna, Yona, Pepita Cantina and the popular Rustico Restaurant and Bar: Rustico Restaurant and Bar’s website states: “Rustico is an exuberant neighborhood restaurant driven to deliver a one-two punch of honest, robust cooking against a backdrop of amazing… Read More
2016-2017 Arlington Newcomers & Community Guide

The Arlington Connection has just published their 2016-2017 Newcomers and Community Guide. This is a popular annual issue produced by The Connection Newspapers for all 15 of their northern Virginia and Maryland markets. “Here in our Newcomers and Community Guide, we’ve included an updated version of our award-winning Insider’s Guide to the Parks, plus details of how to vote in the upcoming elections, information on local government, nonprofits and business organizations, plus… Read More
Arlington Ranked Best City to Retire

Following recent reports for Arlington, Virginia being ranked as the “Best City to Live in America” and the “2nd Best City for Millennials,” the community has also earned the title as the #1 Best City to Retire, according to Around 200 cities were analyzed during the study, which ranks the “Best to Worst” cities to retire. Along with Arlington, other cities in the D.C. metro area ranked highly including (#2) Alexandria, VA., (#4) Silver Spring,… Read More
Arlington, VA Ranked Best City to Live in America

Arlington, Virginia was just ranked the #1 “2016 Best City to Live in America” by, a website which provides reviews and insights into neighborhoods. Arlington, VA ranked #1 out of 224 other cities in the study. According to their website, uses the following criteria (in order of weight) to rank cities: Cost of Living Education Public Schools Real Estate Diversity Health and Fitness Nightlife Shortest Commute Family Amenities Jobs Crime… Read More
Arlington’s Homeless Population Reduced

Thanks to the efforts of several organizations throughout the area, Arlington County reports that the number of homeless individuals in the county has been reduced by 64% since 2013. In particular, the county referred to: 100 Homes: “A community effort [campaign] that included non-profit partners in a collaboration with County staff to house our most vulnerable homeless persons.” Zero 2016: “A national campaign to end veteran and chronic homelessness in the next two… Read More
Arlington Snowfall Records and Emergency Snow Removal

The first snowstorm of the year has come and gone. While it may not be the last snow we see in 2016, it almost certainly will be the largest amount at one time. Like many other industries, commercial real estate development is affected by the weather. Excessive snowfall can bring projects to a halt – both during the storm and after. Piles of snow can block traffic and prevent materials from getting… Read More