Walkable Cities On The Rise

Curbed.com, a website detailing neighborhoods and cities, recently published an article on “Why building walkable cities is the key to economic success.” In the article, the author references a new report from Foot Traffic Ahead on the impact of walkable urbanism on U.S. real estate, and that “…On nearly every metric, walkable developments perform better for their citizens, especially economically… On nearly every level, the analysis shows the benefits of denser, human-scale… Read More
The Robert Ball Sr. Award 2019

The Shooshan Company would like to congratulate the newest recipient of the Robert Ball Sr. Award, Ballston Quarter, located across from Two Liberty Center and 4040 Wilson Blvd. The Press Release to ArlNOW from the Ballston BID states,
Clark Construction: 4040 Wilson Project At A Glance

4040 Wilson Blvd., Ballston’s tallest and first vertically mixed-use building, is a trophy caliber building designed to achieve LEED Gold certification. To make this project possible, The Shooshan Company works with several partners including Jones Lang Lasalle, Brandywine Realty Trust, Kodiak Realty Services and Clark Construction, among others.
Techspace Ballston at 2LC Named Arlington’s Best Coworking Space in 2018

Techspace Ballston, located in Two Liberty Center (4075 Wilson Blvd. across from 4040 Wilson Blvd. and Ballston Quarter), was recently honored to be awarded Arlington’s Best Coworking Space in 2018 from Arlington Magazine.