The Ballston BID Interactive Directory

Have you tried the new Ballston Interactive Directory Map? The Ballston BID and Pivot4d have teamed up to create a very expansive database showcasing everything Ballston has to offer including: Commercial Properties Retail Restaurants Entertainment Parks & Recreation Parking & Transportation Hotels Universities Gyms Wifi Hotspots As seen in the screen shot above, clicking on any of the orange buildings brings up specific details with photos and videos of the property. This map allows… Read More
Update on major Ballston development
Arlington Ranked 2nd Best City for Millennials

Arlington, Virginia continues to receive favorable rankings, the most recent being the 2nd “Best City for Millennials in America.”, the same website that named Arlington the #1 “2016 Best City to Live in America” less than a month ago, recently came out with their newest report. is a rankings website which provides reviews and insights into neighborhoods. According to the site, rankings are “…based on the number of millennial residents, job… Read More
Networking Opportunity in Arlington

At The Shooshan Company, we love having the opportunity to network and meet other people in the Arlington area. The Arlington Chamber of Commerce provides many networking opportunities to fit different schedules, with breakfasts, happy hours, roundtable discussions and more. This Thursday, June 23, the chamber will host their Business After Business networking event at Mercedes-Benz of Arlington from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Chamber members and non-members are welcome to attend where they can exchange… Read More
Arlington, VA Ranked Best City to Live in America

Arlington, Virginia was just ranked the #1 “2016 Best City to Live in America” by, a website which provides reviews and insights into neighborhoods. Arlington, VA ranked #1 out of 224 other cities in the study. According to their website, uses the following criteria (in order of weight) to rank cities: Cost of Living Education Public Schools Real Estate Diversity Health and Fitness Nightlife Shortest Commute Family Amenities Jobs Crime… Read More
Memorial Day 2016 in Arlington, Virginia

The federal holiday known as Memorial Day in the United States serves the purpose of remembering the men and women who have died while serving in this nation’s armed forces. Being in Arlington, we have the ability to go right up the street and pay respects at the Arlington National Cemetery. For the most part, general 9am-5pm businesses are closed to allow people to celebrate those who have given their lives in service of this country. In addition to its true meaning, Memorial… Read More
Arlington Chamber taps business hall of fame honorees
Arlington Chamber taps business hall of fame honorees
Arlington’s Homeless Population Reduced

Thanks to the efforts of several organizations throughout the area, Arlington County reports that the number of homeless individuals in the county has been reduced by 64% since 2013. In particular, the county referred to: 100 Homes: “A community effort [campaign] that included non-profit partners in a collaboration with County staff to house our most vulnerable homeless persons.” Zero 2016: “A national campaign to end veteran and chronic homelessness in the next two… Read More
Why You Should Consider Moving to Arlington, Virginia

Arlington, Virginia was recently named the “Best City for Recent Grads” by NerdWallet, an organization who, according to their website, focuses on “providing information, insight and consumer-driven advice about personal finance.”(1) NerdWallet analyzed 100 of the largest cities in the U.S. while searching for best environments for new college graduates. Data was gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau as well as the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Why Arlington? Arlington was chosen given the fact… Read More
National Walking Day Updates – Vendors & Giveaways
National Walking Day Updates – Vendors & Giveaways