40 Under 40 Rising Stars in Real Estate

DCA Live Media has announced their list of “40 Under 40 Rising Stars in Real Estate.” The official site states: “Get back to business in 2017! Join DCA Live and our host committee to celebrate the rising stars in DC commercial real estate. We’ll honor this great group with a lively and fun event on January 31.” The Shooshan Company is proud to note that among the many accomplished names is our own… Read More
Arlington Ranks Among Top Virginia Schools

U.S. News & World Report has again come out with some rankings, according to the Arlington Patch. This time, the focus is on the “Top High Schools of 2016.” Among the list are a few Arlington high schools including Yorktown High School, which ranked 13th in Virginia and 363 nationwide. Washington-Lee High, located right near our offices in the Ballston area, ranked 17th in Virginia and 430 nationally. The #1 school ranked in Virginia… Read More
Preparing for Winter in Arlington

The Arlington County Government recently published a news release titled “Arlington Ready for Winter.” The report goes into detail on what residents of Arlington can expect from the county in terms of preparation, especially after the heavy winter last year. The main points were: Piloting augmented deployment for large snow events 9,200 tons of salt stockpiled $1.38 million budgeted for snow removal Improved snow issues form The full report and detailed updates may be… Read More
Arlington Fall Foliage
According to the Arlington Patch and Virginia Department of Forestry, the autumn colors seen on the trees throughout Arlington will remain that way through all of November. “Unseasonably warm” weather has allowed the leaves to last longer than usual, providing Arlingtonians with a beautiful view. The report also states: “Weather.com projects the weather in the area to stay in the 60s for the first half of the month, slowly dipping into the 50s later… Read More
A Brief History of Ballston from the Ballston BID

One of the greatest resources for businesses and the Ballston community in Arlington is the Ballston BID (Business Improvement District). Their mission states, “The Ballston Business Improvement (BID) will imagine and implement innovative programs, partnerships and collaborations that bring people together and create a sense of community to strengthen the economic vitality of our businesses and commercial partners in Ballston.” The website, www.ballstonbid.com, includes resources such as a business directory, an interactive map,… Read More
Rustico Restaurant & Bar – Ballston

Ballston definitely has no shortage of great restaurants and bars. In fact, on Wilson Boulevard alone, between N. Quincy Street and N. Randolph street, you can enjoy Taylor Gourmet, Buzz Bakeshop, Sweetgreen, Bruegger’s Bagels, Mike Isabella’s Kapnos Taverna, Yona, Pepita Cantina and the popular Rustico Restaurant and Bar: Rustico Restaurant and Bar’s website states: “Rustico is an exuberant neighborhood restaurant driven to deliver a one-two punch of honest, robust cooking against a backdrop of amazing… Read More
Arlington Thrive Event: BBQ, Boots & Bingo

At The Shooshan Company, we like to help promote the Arlington area as well as upcoming events. In less than two weeks on Saturday, September 24, Arlington Thrive will host their BBQ, Boots & Bingo family picnic event at Columbus Club of Arlington. If you are not familiar with Arlington Thrive, they are a local non-profit that delivers same-day emergency funds to Arlington neighbors in crisis. The goal is for Arlingtonians “to be secure… Read More
2016-2017 Arlington Newcomers & Community Guide

The Arlington Connection has just published their 2016-2017 Newcomers and Community Guide. This is a popular annual issue produced by The Connection Newspapers for all 15 of their northern Virginia and Maryland markets. “Here in our Newcomers and Community Guide, we’ve included an updated version of our award-winning Insider’s Guide to the Parks, plus details of how to vote in the upcoming elections, information on local government, nonprofits and business organizations, plus… Read More
Arlington Ranked Best City to Retire

Following recent reports for Arlington, Virginia being ranked as the “Best City to Live in America” and the “2nd Best City for Millennials,” the community has also earned the title as the #1 Best City to Retire, according to Bankrank.com. Around 200 cities were analyzed during the study, which ranks the “Best to Worst” cities to retire. Along with Arlington, other cities in the D.C. metro area ranked highly including (#2) Alexandria, VA., (#4) Silver Spring,… Read More
Arlington, VA Ranked Best City to Live in America

Arlington, Virginia was just ranked the #1 “2016 Best City to Live in America” by Niche.com, a website which provides reviews and insights into neighborhoods. Arlington, VA ranked #1 out of 224 other cities in the study. According to their website, Niche.com uses the following criteria (in order of weight) to rank cities: Cost of Living Education Public Schools Real Estate Diversity Health and Fitness Nightlife Shortest Commute Family Amenities Jobs Crime… Read More