Memorial Day 2016 in Arlington, Virginia

The federal holiday known as Memorial Day in the United States serves the purpose of remembering the men and women who have died while serving in this nation’s armed forces. Being in Arlington, we have the ability to go right up the street and pay respects at the Arlington National Cemetery. For the most part, general 9am-5pm businesses are closed to allow people to celebrate those who have given their lives in service of this country. In addition to its true meaning, Memorial… Read More
Arlington Walking Maps
Arlington has a variety of choices for getting around – you can walk, drive, carpool, bike or ride the metro rail. For every aspect of travel that Arlington offers, there are accompanying maps that show the best routes – and walking is no different. Arlington County Commuter Service has created an initiative they refer to as WalkArlington.1 This program highlights different areas to walk, the best routes, Arlington history and attractions along those… Read More